Synopsis: It's the year 2129 and there's a new treatment available where you can choose to have your memories removed or altered to eliminate and address trauma and depression. Simra has battled a life of clear, plaguing memories. Because she can't change the past, she sets out to change her mind instead.
Cast Size: 5 characters
- SIMRA DIGGORY - Female, 25-35 years old, plagued with major depressive disorder. Sharp.
- DOCTOR KIANO MUNIN - Male, 30-50 years old, main doctor involved in the elective amnesia procedure. Calculating. Doubles as EZRA VOICE.
- RADHA - Female, 50-60 years old, Simra's mother, caring and supportive. Doubles as the computer BOWERS VOICE.
- ATTILA - Male, 50-60 years old, Simra's biological father. They have a strained relationship. Doubles as the computer HENRIK VOICE.
- YANABA - Female, 45-60 years old, Simra's mentor, the main source of her depression. Doubles as WOMAN VOICE.