Synopsis: High School students share accounts from their life and create an ambiance of candor complete with flashbacks, side notes, and strong emotional themes of love, faith, frustration, and pain. However, these themes are contrasted with the fun antics experienced by teenagers everywhere.
Cast of Characters
Cast of Characters
- GRACE: 15-year old High School freshman. Eccentric and confident.
- HEATHER: 16-year old High School sophomore. A listener, compassionate, funny, and sweet.
- ANDY: 16-year old High School sophomore, visibly a Christian. He seems to always be surrounded by girls.
- ALISON: 16-year old High School sophomore. Fidgety and cute.
- KAYLA: 16-year old High School sophomore. Spunky and fun.
- SARA: 15-year old High School freshman. She has gone through a lot in her short life.
- BRETT: 17-year old High School junior, new to the group of friends. Looking for acceptance.
- MELANIE: 18-year old High School senior. She is a role model for the group.
- JANET: 15-year old High School freshman, also new to the group of friends.
- JEREMIAH: Grace's boyfriend from another school